

A life of love, gratitude, peace, joy, and freedom is waiting for you. Maybe you don’t see it yet — I believe you can get there!

I would love for you to imagine a beautiful flowing river. The river is clean, healthy, vibrant, and filled with vitality. Now, visualize throwing heaps of pebbles and boulders in the river. A once pristine and flowing river is stagnant and not flowing well. 

Our autonomic nervous system is like a river flowing with energy that tells everything in our bodies what to do and where to go. The pebbles and boulders represent our belief systems, emotions, traumas, reactions to food, and reactions to toxins. The rocks thrown into the river disrupt the flow of energy and cause stagnation. 

When our autonomic nervous system recognizes a blockage, it communicates to various parts of our bodies, “this is stressful, and I need remember this is stressful so I can protect myself from this in the future.”

In the Sozo Flow Method, the goal is to identify and remove the pebbles and boulders causing stagnation in the autonomic nervous system. Once removed, the river starts to flow again, and healing begins on the deepest levels.

The science of epigeneticspsychoneuroimmunology, and quantum biology, have shown that emotions, environment, and lifestyle have biological effects at the cellular level. 

Being who we were created to be, requires that we remove what holds us back. By taking radical responsibility for the health of our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits, we move toward the higher vibrational state that’s required to balance, regulate, heal, and thrive.

The Sozo Flow Method is a God-given modality that helps facilitate a beautiful renewal of the whole person, empowering them to live a life of love, gratitude, and freedom.

Causes of Trapped Emotions

  • Divorce or relationship problems

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Miscarriage or abortion

  • Home, work, or chronic stress

  • Financial hardship or physical illness

  • Internalizing your feelings

  • Negative self-talk/beliefs about self or others

  • Self-sabotage or low self-esteem

  • Physical, mental, sexual, verbal, or emotional trauma, abuse, or neglect

  • Rejection, betrayal, or abandonment

  • PTSD / any traumatic event

Every emotion has its own energetic frequency.  When emotional energies lodge in the body, the frequency causes an imbalance affecting the organs and tissues or disturbs your whole energy field, thoughts and mood.  Dr. David Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale shows how negative emotions vibrate at much lower frequencies, affecting your whole life view, health and experience.

Sozo Flow Explained

  • Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we carry from past events, traumas, or abuse. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” including health-related issues as well as difficulties in relationships, career, or success. They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely.

    Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they affect tissues, organs, and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction, and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices you make, and how you react to everyday challenges.

    Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that get stuck in the body. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health.

    Releasing trapped emotions balance the body so it can regain its full healing capabilities. Utilizing the Sozo Flow Method, you may see physical and emotional issues disappear or become much less severe.

  • Following a simple 5-step system, underlying trapped emotions are efficiently and painlessly removed:


    As a practitioner, and in all areas of life, Niccole is fully submitted to the authority of the Holy Spirit and keeps God at the center of her work, giving Him all the credit and glory for the results and healing her client's experience.

    Sessions begin with Niccole reviewing intake and follow-up forms. Next, she praises God for the tools He has made known to His people and prays for the client.


    Your subconscious mind is the ultra-intelligent computer system of your body, and it knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in five key areas of health (physical, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual).

    Before beginning a session, Niccole prays and thanks God for the gift to be able to muscle test. She will then connect through prayer to the subconscious mind.


    Once energetically connected, Niccole will use specific questioning, charts of emotions and/or beliefs, Scripture, and muscle testing to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed. These questions are carefully thought out with specific intention and prayer to expose the trapped emotions, beliefs, and toxins that are supressing your optimal health.


    To release trapped emotions, or correct an energetic imbalance, the Sozo Flow Method combines the modern technology of therapeutic magnets, prayer, and trusted ancient medicinal modalities. Using the power of prayer and intention, Niccole will clear the trapped emotions from your body, and then confirm the release.


    Magnetic energy acts as a powerful carrier for your practitioner’s intention to restore emotional and physical balance in your body. Freed from the emotional traumas and empowered in your new state of healing, you may experience many immediate or developing benefits.

    Note: Sessions are a time of discovery and release through prayer, and because of this approach, Niccole prefers that sessions not be done while on the phone or Zoom. If a client strongly prefers to be present during the session, Niccole will discuss this during the intake session.

  • Your body knows exactly how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order it wants to release them. Niccole will help to find these answers from your body during your session.

    Most of the time, five to ten trapped emotions can be released in a thirty-minute session. However, depending on the intensity of the emotions, the body will sometimes only allow two or three emotions to be released in a session. Trust the wisdom of the body!

    When your body has released all of the emotions that it can in a session, you will momentarily lose the ability to be tested because your body is processing. Processing usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 to 7 days for some people.

    Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many trapped emotions are involved in specific issues you are having may also vary. The whole process is completely customized to you!

  • You might feel the release of trapped emotions. Many of Niccole’s clients report various sensations as the energy releases. These sensations may include yawning (a big sign of energy release), getting the chills, a wave of nausea, momentary headache, sometimes burping, a surge from the center out to the hands and feet, and more. It all depends on your body. Sometimes clients simply feel the particular emotion they are releasing, like anger or sadness. It is also not uncommon to not feel much during or after a release, which is fine.

  • Your session will be done by “proxy” from Niccole’s home on your scheduled appointment day. With proxy testing, there is no need to be in person or on the phone during your session.

    Proxy testing is muscle testing that is done on a proxy; a person who acts in place of another person. In this case, Niccole will be the proxy.

    Proxy testing is designed to work quite a bit like how cellular phones work. The body has the built-in potential to quickly and easily "dial" someone else and creates an energetic connection with them, like talking on the phone. Once connected, answers are given about what is going on with the body because the energy signal is being picked up on the person being worked on.

    Once Niccole knows what needs to be addressed, she addresses it by proxy, and it will balance the person being worked on, no matter how far away they are.

    Sessions are a time of discovery and release through prayer, and because of this approach, Niccole prefers that sessions not be done while on the phone or Zoom. If a client strongly prefers to be present during the session, Niccole will discuss this during the intake session.

  • Following each session, you will receive your Session Report, which is a summary of your entire energy healing session. Your report will include an account of what your practitioner worked on, which emotions were detected and released, any recommendations or homework your practitioner recommends, and any other important information that came up during your session.

    Your report will be emailed to you as a PDF attachment within 24 hours after your appointment. The report won’t include any identifying information beyond your name and the general information outlined above.

  • You may have been living with your emotional baggage (traumas, stress, or abuse) for a long time, so it’s important to let your body lead the way when it comes to releasing the trapped negative energy.

    When an emotion is released through Emotional Release Therapy, the body is finally allowed to go through a Processing Period – or healing period, which usually lasts for a day or two.

    About 20% of the time, people will notice “symptoms” of processing, such as emotional sensitivity, crying, sleeplessness, a need for more sleep, vivid dreams, mild headaches, or fatigue.

    At the end of your appointment, Niccole will inquire how long your body wants to process the changes that arose from the session, and what support, if any, would help the body process. This Processing Period may coincide with one or more mild yet noticeable symptoms, or not.

    Most people tend to feel lighter and happier after an emotional release. If this doesn’t occur right after the release, it usually occurs after the Processing Period is completed.

  • The term Heart-Wall defines unresolved, unprocessed, and trapped emotions carried around the heart. It is estimated that 93% of the human population has a literal wall of negative energy surrounding the heart, made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.

    The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing we have this protective mechanism when we need it. The problem is that having a Heart Wall is like living in a bomb shelter – it’s nice to have its protection while the bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end up feeling disconnected and unfulfilled!

    One of the best parts of Emotional Release Therapy is the ability to remove the Heart-Wall!

  • Children Get Trapped Emotions, Too!

    A common misconception is that this kind of emotional release therapy is only applicable to adults. We often think of children as being too young and innocent to acquire the excess baggage that we have acquired through our years as adults. Sadly, children have emotions that they need help with as well.

    The truth is that children and teens face a wide range of challenges, and it can be difficult for adults to understand their child’s perspectives and the impact that experiences of the world can have on them. The Sozo Flow Method addresses the root of the imbalances, which can be physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual.

    - Self-esteem or social issues

    - Fear or obsessive worrying

    - Autism, Asperger Syndrome or PDD-NOS

    - Chronic illness or another physical dis-ease

    - Body image issues or eating disorder

    - Have experienced abuse (mental, emotional, physical, sexual)

    - Depression or mood changes

    - Struggling at school

    - Following medical or dental procedure

    - Bedwetting, nightmares, night terrors

    - Indigo, crystal, and rainbow children

    - Traumatic birth or other trauma/injury as an infant

    - ADHD, ODD, or OCD

    - Struggling with spiritual gifts

    - Have been bullied or are bullying others

    - Experiencing the divorce of their parents

    - Will be or have recently received a vaccine

    - High anxiety, sensitivity, or heightened emotional responses

    Even children who aren’t suffering from any imbalances can benefit from an energy healing session as part of their wellness routine. Sessions not only remove trapped negative emotions and other imbalances that may not yet be outwardly affecting the child but also work to maintain a healthy and high-vibrational energy field, which is essential to general well-being.

    Teens, children, and infants of any age can be tested, verbal or not. Most often we find trapped emotions in a child from when they were in the womb. Usually, these are the mother’s emotions during pregnancy, although sometimes they can come from the father or even from somebody else living with the family at the time; like a grandmother, grandfather, or sibling.

    Children also acquire trapped emotions during birth, school, family events, or any other occasion in their lives. These trapped emotions can affect their behavior and possibly lead to learning difficulties and relationship issues.

    Emotional release therapy is a great option for the whole family! Family dynamics can be greatly improved and it is a worthwhile investment.

  • Sozo in Greek means to save a suffering one, i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, and/or restore to health.

    “Flow” comes from the awareness that we have energy flowing through our bodies.

    Meridians are the system of pathways in the body by which energy flows. Energy pathways correlate to all functions of the body. When meridians are blocked, distorted, or lose their ability to flow well, we have been given tools to bring our bodies back into homeostasis.

    We are all born into the world with a “river of energy.” Trauma, negative emotions and beliefs, and lifestyle choices can throw metaphorical “boulders” into our meridian pathways that disrupt the flow of energy. We live in a fallen and broken world, and no one ever gets completely clear of the boulders in their life, but we can clear many, many obstacles that keep our autonomic nervous system in a much more healthy and calm state.



Just because no one else can do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.

Intake Assessment & Discovery Session | $200

The intake assessment includes a thorough 30-minute intake phone consultation reviewing history, goals, and needs. Within 24 hours of the intake call, a 45-minute discovery session will be completed. The discovery session is intended to identify and prioritize what services and approaches will most help the client and best serve their needs. This service also includes an emotional release session.

Heart-Wall Series & Shielding | $400

This work identifies and dismantles your Heart-Wall so you can start living your most free and joyful life. The Heart-Wall series includes (3-5) 30-minute sessions (dependent on your body's requirement) focusing solely on removing negative trapped emotions around your heart. Once the Heart-Wall is cleared, there is an additional shielding session to protect against negativity.

Individual Session | $90

During this session, underlying emotions, beliefs, toxins, or other obstacles are identified and released.Includes a 15-minute follow-up via email and/or voice memo following the 30-minute release session.

Sozo Flow | $1200

The Sozo Flow Series helps you flow with grace in all areas of your life! After nine years of practicing traditional emotional release therapy, Holy Spirit began to show Niccole a sequential order of addressing the whole person mind, body, spirit, and soul, and this series is unique to her practice. This package includes (9-12) 45-120 minute sessions (dependent on your body's needs). The Sozo Flow series is (9) sessions over (9) weeks - 1 session/week. If more sessions are needed to move through the series, there is no additional cost.

Purposely Rooted | $260

This powerful 90-120 minute session helps you become more intentional about how you live, the decisions you make, how you respond and react, and how you walk out your calling. This work involves having you map out your ideal day, lifestyle, career, and more so that negative beliefs and emotions blocking you from living a life of passion and purpose can be released.

Sozo Flow Accelerated | $1600

Sozo Flow Accelerated is for clients who would like to accelerate their journey and have each of their sessions as soon as their body is able to clear stored emotions/beliefs (typically 2-7 days between sessions). The accelerated pace will often move clients through the series in 4-5 weeks versus the typical (9) weeks.

Emergency Session | $200

Emergency, same day sessions are 60 minutes and are for current clients who have experienced overwhelming suffering or a traumatic event.

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