Energy is a term used to describe the movement found at the smallest level of life. All things are made up of atoms, and atoms contain electrons and protons. Therefore, whether a thing is a gas, a liquid, or a solid it is vibrating with energy.
Quantum physics is the study of matter at sub-atomic levels and is used to explain atoms in motion. The word “energy” is a simplified explanation of creation in motion.
When I talk, or write, about energy, I am literally talking about electrical currents that have a charge and run through our bodies.
All matter produces energy. Words, electricity, speed, and even thoughts are energy. All of these forms of energy cause a reaction or result. For example, have you ever noticed that when you get nervous about your spouse or child driving home late at night that your heart races? Your thoughts are an energy that has the ability to cause a reaction in your body.
Integrative medicine believes that health is found by bringing the entirety of a person into balance emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. The therapies are used to support the body in restoring balance and returning to a state of homeostasis. Allopathic medicine tends to, but not always, address symptoms with pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other medical interventions.
Meridians are the system of pathways in the body by which energy flows. These pathways are not unlike other systems of the body. For instance, the circulatory system is defined by veins and arteries. Another example is the nervous system. It is a complex pathway of nerves throughout the entire body. But energy and energy pathways are a vital part of all systems of the body. Energy pathways correlate to all bodily functions. There have been studies done that show EEGs, EKGs, MRIs, and PET scans can pick up the energy flow and meridians.
Most simply stated, it’s any modality that works with the meridian energy to restore balance. Energy modalities help shift energy in different ways and with different techniques to facilitate change and help restore wholeness.
Energy psychology is the practice of alleviating psychological symptoms via bio-meridian restoration. Intense emotions are stored in the body’s meridian points, throughout the body, and in the conscious and subconscious mind. Any time something happens in life that reminds the body or subconscious of a previous trauma, a part of our Autonomic Nervous System called the Sympathetic Nervous System is triggered into a fight or flight or freeze response causing us to react.
Muscle testing is isolating a muscle so it will respond to energetic shifts in the body. There is a direct correlation between muscle strength and being in agreement or disagreement with a statement.
For example, if my husband is being tested and holds his arm out strong and tells me that he is a man, his arm will remain strong; however, if my husband tells me that he is a woman, his arm will go weak.
My husband’s arm going temporarily weak is indication of the incongruence present in the statement he made. The weak muscle, the statement that my husband’s subconscious was not in agreement with, would not hold up under pressure. The congruent statement that my husband is a man, caused his arm to remain strong.
In short, the body is strengthened by truth and weakened by lies.
Muscle testing can be used as a “yes” or “no” tool to help identify stored emotions, beliefs, and even toxins. Muscle testing cannot be used to tell the future - it can only give feedback about what the subconscious brain already knows.
Once a block in energy is identified, prayer, magnets, and/or intention can be used to relieve or clear blockages.
I am a big advocate of counseling and believe it has its time and place. That being said, therapy focuses on the conscious mind and the conscious mind never chooses negative reactions. Consciously, every person would choose to be healthy, whole and joyful. The subconscious brain stores negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts that need to be addressed, and that can be addressed through energy medicine.
I’m going to answer a question with questions and then answer!
Q&A #1: “Who gets the glory when someone is healed?” It really depends on the heart of the person answering this question. For the people who seek to be fully submitted to the Lord, our praise and worship goes to the One True God when He chooses to free, restore and heal one of His children using any modality.
Q&A #2: “What good comes from someone being healed?” As people are set free, restored to wholeness, and healed, they experience more joy and the ability to do the work that God gave them to do.
This question, “Is muscle testing from God?” is based on our desire to not participate in anything that is unreal, false, or manipulative, and which God would not affirm. We will always need to stay alert to deception, of course, but we are prevented from attributing good things to satan. This is portrayed in the words of Jesus that if an evil earthly father is inclined to give good gifts to His children, then how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him. If a son asks for a fish, will he be given a serpent? The understood answer is, “No, of course not.” (Mt 7; Lk 11 NKJV)
Admittedly, as we explore energy medicine, or anything that is new to us and outside the mainstream, sincerity and discernment is important here, but not enough. Research and investigation help to further confirm our discoveries. We do not leave ourselves without substantiating scientific knowledge. Nor do we remain short on seeking God and His word for the discretion we need to navigate our findings.
James 1:17 says, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” (NASB). This speaks of the fact that God is full of light, and He does not change. He is not characterized by deviation or fluctuation. On that basis we can recognize and acknowledge with certainty the good things that come from Him.
We serve a God of orderliness. The idea that we have energy flowing through our bodies is not new. The Creator designed us this way. When the energy is blocked, distorted, or loses its ability to flow well, we have been given tools and wisdom to bring our bodies back into homeostasis, which is understood as an internal stability in spite of all the variables.
It yet remains how deep we may dig into the energy medicine topic. Ultimately, it is not my place to convince you. I am a researcher and presenter, who has also applied these modalities. In that regard your growth in this subject, it is up to you. I provide you with my input to give you a head start. I do invite you to take a redemptive heart posture; rejoice that all healing is God’s healing; and investigate independently what is covered here.
That being said, I choose practitioners in the energy medicine field who are fully submitted to the Lord to muscle test and do energy work for me. This means if someone calls on “spirit guides” or other entities, or it becomes clear to me after research that I am dealing with some kind of mysticism; or it is revealed that a certain modality does not fit into my desire to please God, I’m out.
Yes and no – but don’t let this trip you up. I cannot show you electricity or WIFI or even the words “The Trinity” in the Bible either but this does not mean that any of them are evil. We cannot say that something isn’t real or valid solely because it lacks an exact Biblical definition.
That being said, here’s something to think about. The written name of God in Hebrew doesn’t have any vowels. The word “Yahweh” is actually four breathing sounds. The name of God is the very sound of breath. This word for “spirit” or “breath” is Ruwach and is used to represent the Spirit of God. As breath, it is used as “the breath of life” that God breaths into every created thing. When this breath is removed, we die.
The entire creation account is the power of words being used as energy. This energy is literally sustaining life. That energy dwells within us and we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us.
Scripture also tells us:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” - Proverbs 18:21
“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” - Proverbs 4:23
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” - Proverbs 23:7
If you would like to go deeper, and have a concordance (see reference numbers for Strong’s in parenthesis), research the following words: Ruwach (#7308), Chay (#2416), and Pneuma (#4151)
Not necessarily but there are plenty of people with beautiful, miraculous stories.
Stored emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are simply energy. This energy can have a powerful effect on the body. For example, it is well known that anxiety causes acidosis and acidosis leads to a myriad of diseases.
While emotions, thoughts, and beliefs play a pivotal role in our health, there may be other lifestyle factors that are causing toxicity in the body. These toxicities may be caused by poor nutrition, environmental toxins, toxins in household or beauty products, EMFs, unclean water, etc.
There are many studies that show undealt with emotions cause disease, and once they are released the physical body can begin to heal. We are doing the good work of giving the body the best opportunity to come into balance. Once emotions are released, they are released for the good of other bodily systems.
Please fill out your INTAKE PAPERWORK completely.
It is recommended to drink water before each Emotional Release Therapy session. Good cellular hydration helps your sessions to be more effective and may ease the Processing Period.
Following your initial visit, your practitioner will recommend any additional testing and customize a treatment plan for you based on your body’s needs and response.
You will receive a Session Report within 72 hours following your session, as well as an invitation to schedule your next session.
If there is something that you know has impacted you strongly that may be the underlying cause of what you are experiencing, you are more than welcome to mention it on your intake form or in communications with your practitioner. You may disclose as much of it as you feel comfortable to your practitioner. Often times you just have to put your attention on it, and that will be enough for the practitioner to test if there are any stored energies or emotions about the event.
An inherited trapped emotion is simply a bit of emotional energy that is received from a parent at the moment of conception. It comes along with all the other DNA and physical material – in the egg if it’s from your mother and in the sperm if it’s from your father.
There is a difference between “Inherited emotions” and “Absorbed emotions”.
Inherited trapped emotions cannot become trapped at any point after you are conceived, just as you cannot inherit any genetic trait after you’ve already been conceived.
After conception and at any other point in your life, you can absorb a trapped emotion from another person, including a family member, but that is called an “Absorbed emotion.” That is when someone else generates an emotion and you absorb that energy into your body. Both inherited and absorbed emotions can become part of the Heart-Wall.
Inherited trapped emotions can go back multiple generations. We can help you detect and release both inherited and absorbed emotions.
This question is asked frequently, and it really varies between each person. Your intake session will be effective and allow you to experience the results of Emotional Release Therapy.
If you are dealing with emotional trauma, stress, or abuse that was severe or has been with you for a long time, it may take more than one session to fully release and process all the trapped emotions from that trauma. Following your initial visit, your practitioner will recommend any additional sessions based on your goals, needs, and response to the first session. Typically this will be between 3-5 sessions and no more than one week apart. Your practitioner will advise you on what will be best for your optimal healing.
Most clients prefer to come back once or twice per month for maintenance sessions once their major traumas have been released. You can choose to have weekly or bi-weekly sessions, too, if you wish.