I remain confident in this: we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
As I bounced down the road eating Oreos and Pop-Tarts for breakfast until I threw up, I would have never imagined that I would be an intuitive health coach when I grew up.
But here I am, and here you are, and maybe we will be a right fit.
My journey down the holistic road began in 2002 when I was 20 years old and on 11 different prescriptions. As a teen, I had been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, and GERD, but no one thought to talk to me about diet or nutrition.
After being introduced to a very wise gentleman who taught me about whole food supplements and diet, my body began to heal. Within a few months of implementing his suggestions, I was off prescriptions, lost considerable weight, and had monthly cycles again.
Three months after marrying my husband, we discovered that we were pregnant and have since (home)birthed a total of five children. My complete surrender to the Lord, changing my lifestyle, and actively working toward healing trauma, have allowed me to live a life of joy, contentment, and vitality.
Over the last 20 years, while raising our miracles, I have studied with some of the most beautiful souls, learned from generous and brilliant teachers, and become more in awe of our gracious Creator, the wondrous intricacies of the human body, and God’s provision each day.
As I have navigated life as a wife, mother, and health professional, I rejoice in my calling to empower women as gatekeepers of their homes by teaching them how God provided healing in nature before the fall of man.
Professional Trainings
Beginning in 2007, my passion for understanding frequency and how it relates to our spiritual, physical, and mental health was ignited when I trained with Dr. John Brimhall in applied kinesiology, diet and nutrition, color therapy, emotional release, and many other holistic modalities.
In 2009, I studied Bradley Nelson’s “Emotion Code” and “Body Code” work and devoted myself to learning more about how the body stores trauma, epigenetics, and inherited patterns, beliefs, and emotions.
A greater understanding of the body led to more curiosity, and in 2010 I began to research and learn “Womb Wisdom” techniques that incorporated emotional release, herbs, and bodywork that help women feel more balanced and realigned.
Starting in 2013, I began to explore and study aromatherapy and the role essential oils play on the amygdala, memories, and emotions. For ten years, I participated in countless workshops from various professionals that empowered me to serve my clients better.
Learning to do nutritional and lifestyle resonance is one of the most important and fascinating trainings I have participated in. When I began to practice this work with family, friends, and clients in 2020, they began to experience freedom with food and have tremendous shifts in their health.
My passion for learning how to steward my body better and to be the gatekeeper of my home led me to Dr. John Brimhall's extensive certification program that taught six core values of health.
Maintaining Structural Integrity.
Reducing Electrical Pollution.
Rebalancing Nutrition.
Identifying Allergies & Sensitivities
Releasing Stress & Negative Emotions
Removing Toxins & Heavy Metals from the Body
This training taught me how to put health puzzle pieces together so that people can experience optimal health - mind, body, spirit, and soul.
I have partnered with women since 2009 to focus on personal growth, marriage struggles, and spiritual development to effect the changes they desire to see in their lives. My training includes Level 1 and Level 2 training with the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) and many years attending the “Called to Counsel” training provided by ABC.
My passion for supporting women in the childbirth process began before I was married and had my 3 older children. After having 3 kids in 3.5 years, I left midwifery and put my time and attention into supporting women as a doula and childbirth educator. My training includes both CAPPA and The Bradley Method.
After years of having PCOS and Endometriosis, I knew I didn’t want to use chemical birth control. Soon after getting married in 2003, I began to study the Fertility Awareness Method of Birth Control and became a coach to help women with their cycles, gut health, and liver support.
As a Lactation Educator and Advocate, I taught, supported, and educated parents and the public on breastfeeding and related issues.
My entrance into midwifery in 2002 is what I attribute to opening my eyes to my calling of serving women and their families. While studying at Ancient Art Midwifery Institute and National Midwifery Institute, I had the honor of working alongside and learning from several midwives in North Texas.